Trying to work out what type of counselling you would like? Confused by all the different modalities out there? Not sure what type of therapy would be a good fit for you? Well, I’ve got good news, a new form developed by Mick Cooper and John Norcross is now available for free download and can be completed online to give you a free report about what type of therapist to look for.
The Cooper-Norcross Inventory of Preferences (C-NIP) is a straight forward form which enables clients to express their preferences for psychotherapy. For instance, would they like a therapist who focuses mainly on their thoughts, or who focuses mainly on their feelings?
The C-NIP summarizes any strong preferences that clients might have on four dimensions of therapist style:
· Therapist directiveness vs Client directiveness
· Emotional intensity vs Emotional reserve
· Past orientation vs Present orientation
· Warm Support vs Focused challenge
In addition, clients are asked open-ended questions about other therapy preferences they may have: for instance, the number of therapy sessions they would prefer.
The C-NIP has been translated into nine language and an estimated 3,000 clients having used this measure since its inception in 2005. Initial research suggests that clients rate the C-NIP as a helpful tool in their therapeutic journey.
You can access the form here:-
and once you have filled it in use it as a basis for discussion with any counsellors you are thinking of working with.